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How to Have the Best Party on Your Houseboat Rental in Lewiston, CA

April 22, 2019 10:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Want a unique way to celebrate an occasion or just get away for a weekend? Consider hosting a houseboat party! Spending time on the lake makes for a great getaway, but you can add even more fun to your vacation with a themed party. A houseboat rental in Lewiston, CA makes for the perfect party venue as you cruise around the lake while your guests enjoy themselves. Check out these tips for throwing the best houseboat party. Make it a theme party Houseboats provide a great excuse for a themed party. There are lots of different nautical or water-themed options... View Article

Things You Should Bring for an Enjoyable Houseboat Experience

April 8, 2019 10:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Houseboats are an excellent way to get out and enjoy nature. On a houseboat, you’ll always be surrounded by croaking frogs, splashing fish and chirping birds. You might be wondering, however, what kinds of things you need to pack to make the most of your trip. We’ve put together some of the lesser-known items you’ll want to bring before you hit the water. Get ready to fish at the bait and tackle shop in Lewiston, CA Fishing is a great, family-friendly way to enjoy the lake on your next houseboat vacation. It’s affordable and provides an activity that the whole... View Article

Top Things to Know About the Black Bass

March 25, 2019 5:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The black bass—also known as the largemouth bass, widemouth bass, bigmouth bass, bucketmouth bass or Florida bass—is one of the most sought-after game fish in the United States. In fact, an estimated 30 million people fish for black bass each year, many of whom fish for them in large tournaments with hefty prizes at stake. But what do you know about the black bass? If the answer is “not much,” then keep reading—this post from your favorite marina in Lewiston, CA will teach you what you need to know about these fish: Size and weight: The largest black bass ever... View Article

Is Driving a Houseboat Difficult?

March 11, 2019 5:55 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Renting a houseboat is a great way to spend time with your family and friends out on the water. One question we often get, though, is about the difficulty level involved in operating a houseboat. From the looks of it, driving a long and wide houseboat seems like it’d be pretty challenging, but luckily for our customers, it’s not all that hard! In fact, as long as you know how to drive a car, you should be able to operate a houseboat just fine. Keep reading to learn a few of the things you need to know about driving a... View Article

Seven Things to Consider Before Buying a Houseboat

February 26, 2019 11:54 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you planning on buying a houseboat sometime in the near future? If so, congratulations! This is an exciting decision to make for you and your family, and it means you have some memorable excursions on the horizon. Few things are more rewarding than waking up on a houseboat each morning, with the water literally right in front of you. That said, this is not a process you should go into ill-informed. A houseboat is a major investment, and one you will probably live with for a long time. With this in mind, here’s some advice on things to consider,... View Article