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What You Should Know Before Your First House Boat Experience

January 24, 2019 11:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Some people love the great outdoors. Whether camping, fishing or hiking, being outside is their thing, and nothing will ever make them say anything bad about being at one with nature. Then there are people who want to dabble in nature, but not commit to sleeping on the ground or getting dirty. And that’s okay, too! If this sounds like you or someone you know, may we recommend a house boat in place of a tent? This way everyone in the group will be able to enjoy the lake, just from a different vantage point: floating on the water. House... View Article

Excellent Reasons to Spend Your Vacation with a Trinity Alps House Boat Rental in Lewiston, CA

January 10, 2019 11:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Your vacation is approaching, and all you can think about is where you might like to spend your time. Instead of booking a hotel out of town for the week, why not take a moment to consider a vacation that’s more outside the box: how about packing up the family and jumping onto a house boat and cruising a lake for a few days? If you have never vacationed on a house boat, then you are in for a real treat! For starters, it’s an experience you will remember for life; the memories are sure to linger in your mind.... View Article

Understanding the Risks of Swimming at a Marina in Lewiston, CA

December 26, 2018 6:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s nothing more refreshing on a hot summer day than taking a dip in the water. Might as well dive right into the calm waters of the marina to cool off, right? Wrong! Swimming in the waters of a marina can be incredibly dangerous. Even a short dip into the water could end in disaster. There’s an abundance of unknown perils lurking beneath the placid surface. Some threats could seriously injure or even kill an uninformed marina swimmer. The conditions can change dramatically in only a few seconds if a boat were to unexpectedly pull into the marina or the... View Article

Should I Know How to Swim to Rent a Boat?

December 12, 2018 6:39 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There is nothing quite like the feeling of taking a boat out onto the open water. There’s the powerful sound of the waves crashing against the stern, the chilly wind blowing through your hair and the feel of the salt water splashing against your skin. Unfortunately, many people feel like they can’t even set foot on a boat because they do not know how to swim. Instead, they’re stuck on the shore, wistfully watching others sail off into the distance. A day on the water is a rewarding experience that is often missed out on due to fears about not... View Article

Now Offering Early 2019 Bookings at Special Rates! Contact Our Marina in Lewiston, CA to Learn More

November 22, 2018 11:37 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you already looking ahead to renting a boat next year? We’re happy to reward you for planning ahead! Our marina in Lewiston, CA is offering up to $300 off early bookings for next year. Our physical location is currently closed for the season, but you can give us a call or email us, and we’ll be able to get you set up for your 2019 rental at special rates. Booking your rental as early as possible is always a good idea because, once the busy season hits, there’s no guarantee that you’re going to be able to get the... View Article