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What to Know About California Water Levels

January 17, 2018 6:35 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Water levels in California’s scenic waterways affect a wide range of things, ranging from the state’s political landscape to the number of fish swimming through rivers and lakes. Depending on the amount of water in California’s alpine lakes, fishing experiences can be drastically different. Knowing how water levels affect the way that fish interact with their environment can help you determine the best locations to look for your desired catch, in addition to assisting you in determining the most effective types of bait and tackle in Lewiston, CA. California’s decades-long drought has undoubtedly taken its toll on waterways; however, in... View Article

Fishing in California

January 3, 2018 6:37 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

California is known for its excellent seafood and fish, which is caught fresh in both saltwater and freshwater bodies. If you are looking for an exciting and interesting way to experience the finest foods that the Golden State has to offer, you should try your hand at catching your very own seafood in one of California’s scenic alpine lakes! There are a number of delicious fishes that can be found swimming in high-altitude lakes throughout the state. Working with a knowledgeable provider of boat rental in Lewiston, CA is the best way to ensure that you’re properly outfitted to catch... View Article