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The Best Places to Fish on Trinity Lake

June 17, 2020 11:19 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Looking for a great spot to fish this summer in the Lewiston, CA region? There are a few lakes nearby that we frequently recommend, one of which is Trinity Lake. Trinity Lake is located right in the middle of Trinity County. We’re big fans of fishing here because it doesn’t tend to get quite as crowded as some of the other lakes in the area, particularly Shasta Lake. While there will always be water skiing, fishing and other activity on the lake, it’s not to the same degree as other area lakes, likely because Trinity is a little farther off... View Article

Maintenance Tips to Keep You Boating All Summer!

June 3, 2020 11:19 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Boats, much like automobiles, must be kept up with routine preventative maintenance if they are to operate reliably and efficiently for a long time to come. Even if you feel like you treat your boat well and it doesn’t get exposed to a significant amount of wear and tear, it is still crucial to stay on top of your regular boat maintenance in Lewiston, CA, especially when you consider the financial investment you’ve put into having a boat in the first place. Here are just a few boat maintenance tips you should keep in mind, especially now that summer has... View Article

Renting a Party Barge

May 21, 2020 9:49 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

All of this social distancing has really hit people hard. When this is all over, you’re going to want to get a bunch of your friends and family members together and have a great time, having been unable to see them for months beforehand. When the time comes, why not rent a party barge? Whether it’s a special occasion or just a reason to get some of your favorite people together, there’s nothing like being out on the water surrounded by friends and family. Here are just a few of the reasons why party boat rentals in Lewiston, CA are... View Article

Teaching Your Kids to Water Ski

May 7, 2020 9:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The summer is just about here, and with it comes a season full of outdoor adventures and water sports. If you have children who are getting to be old enough to start learning how to water ski, you might be looking into ski boat rental in Lewiston, CA. However, it’s important that your kids know how to water ski in a safe and skillful manner. With this in mind, here are a few tips for teaching your kids to water ski: Make sure they’re comfortable with the water: This should be obvious, but before your children jump into water skiing,... View Article

What Needs to Be Done to De-Winterize Your Boat?

April 20, 2020 1:38 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When winter ends and it’s time to get your boat ready for the warmer weather, there are a number of things you want to be ready for. Running through a checklist of de-winterizing techniques is something every boat owner should do, because failing to perform these tasks properly can be detrimental to the wellbeing of your investment and hamper your enjoyment of the season to come. Boat de-winterizing in Lewiston, CA can be a relatively painless task if you take the time to do it right, and our team of boating professionals is always prepared to offer you additional guidance... View Article