March 25, 2019 5:56 pm
Published by Writer
The black bass—also known as the largemouth bass, widemouth bass, bigmouth bass, bucketmouth bass or Florida bass—is one of the most sought-after game fish in the United States. In fact, an estimated 30 million people fish for black bass each year, many of whom fish for them in large tournaments with hefty prizes at stake. But what do you know about the black bass? If the answer is “not much,” then keep reading—this post from your favorite marina in Lewiston, CA will teach you what you need to know about these fish: Size and weight: The largest black bass ever... View Article
March 11, 2019 5:55 pm
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Renting a houseboat is a great way to spend time with your family and friends out on the water. One question we often get, though, is about the difficulty level involved in operating a houseboat. From the looks of it, driving a long and wide houseboat seems like it’d be pretty challenging, but luckily for our customers, it’s not all that hard! In fact, as long as you know how to drive a car, you should be able to operate a houseboat just fine. Keep reading to learn a few of the things you need to know about driving a... View Article
February 26, 2019 11:54 pm
Published by Writer
Are you planning on buying a houseboat sometime in the near future? If so, congratulations! This is an exciting decision to make for you and your family, and it means you have some memorable excursions on the horizon. Few things are more rewarding than waking up on a houseboat each morning, with the water literally right in front of you. That said, this is not a process you should go into ill-informed. A houseboat is a major investment, and one you will probably live with for a long time. With this in mind, here’s some advice on things to consider,... View Article
February 12, 2019 11:53 pm
Published by Writer
Do you dream of living on a houseboat? If so, you certainly are not alone—houseboats are a thriving real estate market, as more and more people make their dream of living on the water a reality. But if you do not already live on a houseboat, how can you be completely sure that purchasing one is the right move for you? After all, a houseboat is very different from a traditional home—are you sure you’d like all those differences? Fortunately, there’s a simple way to experience a houseboat before actually buying one: look into houseboat rentals in Lewiston, CA! Give... View Article
January 24, 2019 11:07 pm
Published by Writer
Some people love the great outdoors. Whether camping, fishing or hiking, being outside is their thing, and nothing will ever make them say anything bad about being at one with nature. Then there are people who want to dabble in nature, but not commit to sleeping on the ground or getting dirty. And that’s okay, too! If this sounds like you or someone you know, may we recommend a house boat in place of a tent? This way everyone in the group will be able to enjoy the lake, just from a different vantage point: floating on the water. House... View Article