Categories for Boat Safety

Tips on How To Dock a Boat Correctly

June 5, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Docking a boat for beginners is a challenging aspect for new and experienced boat owners. Precision and accuracy are required to avoid possible accidents. Here’s how to dock a boat in a tight slip. 1. Approach the Dock Slowly Anytime you are about to dock your boat, you should approach the dock slowly. This will give you enough time to observe and identify any potential hazards that might be present in the area. It will also allow you to make the necessary adjustments before finally docking the boat. However, you don’t want to be in a hurry as this might lead... View Article

Tips on Avoiding Costly Boating Mistakes

December 29, 2021 6:13 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A good boat is a major investment. Boat owners put a lot of time, care and money into their vessels. That’s why it’s important to avoid making costly boating mistakes. A simple boating mishap could end up costing a lot of money to repair. Some incidents may even result in irreparable damage to your boat. Avoid boating mistakes by following the tips outlined below. Keep an eye on the weather It’s important to plan the perfect day for your boating trip. That means avoiding days with thick fog or thunderstorms. Thunderstorms are not only dangerous for you, but could also... View Article

How to Prepare Your Boat on Land Before a Hurricane

September 15, 2021 10:11 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, checking your boat before a storm is part of proper boat care and maintenance. Your boat is a significant investment, which means you need to do what you can to minimize the potential for damage in the event of a strong storm, even if your boat is on land. Here’s a brief guide to teach you how to prepare and protect your boat during a hurricane. Move the boat One of the most commonsense steps you need to take to protect your boat in the event of a hurricane is to move it... View Article

What Are the Required Items in a First Aid Kit on Your Boat?

September 1, 2021 10:11 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Every boat owner needs a comprehensive first aid kit to address emergency situations or injuries that may occur when out on the water. Even minor cuts and scrapes need treatment right away to prevent infection. What are some of the essential items for your first aid kit? Read on to find out. Waterproof container If you’re DIY-ing your first aid kit on your boat, the first thing you need to do is find a quality waterproof case. Since you’re obviously going to be surrounded by water when you’re using your boat, your first aid kit needs to be completely waterproof.... View Article

Planning a Party? Keep These Essential Boat Party Safety Tips in Mind This Summer

July 13, 2021 1:38 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Things have finally started to return to something resembling “normal” after over a year of social isolation, and now is the perfect time to enjoy the summer with a fun-filled gathering with family and friends. One of the best ways to get together with people you love is by planning a boat party. During a boat party, you and your guests can enjoy the sunshine while swimming, fishing or simply relaxing and getting a tan. Keep reading for some tips to help you plan the perfect boat party this summer. Essential safety tips for boat parties Hosting a boat party... View Article