February 14, 2023 6:40 pm
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Boat leaks are a frustrating and often expensive problem. While major damage requires professional repair, minor problems can be fixed with a little bit of know-how and patience. The first clue is to look at where the leaks are coming from. Check The Waterline Leaks can come from a number of sources: the waterline, the bilge, the structure, etc. However, sometimes a simple investigation is all that’s necessary to determine the source of a leak. The first step to determining the origin of a leak is to dry out the bilge and then inspect the hull. Look for the initial... View Article
February 13, 2023 6:32 pm
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Boating is a fun and rewarding hobby, but the waters can also be full of unexpected surprises. Even experienced boaters make mistakes from time to time. We’ve compiled the 5 most common boating mistakes and tips to help you avoid them. Be sure to follow these tips to keep yourself, your family, and your boat safe on the water! 1. Running Out Of Gas Running out of gas is one of the most common problems that people face when they are on the water. It can be stressful and a distraction, but there are ways to fix it. The first... View Article
February 9, 2023 9:58 pm
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Mooring a boat is a complicated process that requires a solid understanding of all options, equipment, techniques, and limitations. It’s a must-have skill for boat owners because improper mooring can cause damage to your vessel or another boat. There are many ways to moor a boat, including docking, anchoring, and mooring balls. Different moorings are designed for different types of weather and water conditions, from concrete blocks that offer the least hold to helical anchors screwed into the seabed that help to keep your vessel safe during high winds and waves. Understanding which type of mooring is right for your... View Article
February 9, 2023 9:40 pm
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Whether it’s your first visit to your boat marina or a returning customer, the following tips will help you get the most out of your next marina experience! 1. Check Out The Amenities Taking the time to check out what your marina has to offer can make a significant difference in the overall experience. From poolside bars to ice delivery service, many marinas offer amenities that can elevate the boating experience. The best way to find out is by asking questions of people you know who use the facility. Ask about the quality of the facilities, the convenience of... View Article
December 23, 2022 12:00 am
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Mooring a boat can be challenging, especially if you have never done it before or are unsure how to proceed. There are some tips and tricks that you can use to make the mooring process simpler. Taking the time to learn how to properly moor your boat can make it safer and more suitable. The Importance of Safe Mooring When it comes to mooring, it is always helpful to start with a rundown of what it actually is. Mooring is the process of anchoring a ship to a fixed point. This is most often used to load or unload people or... View Article